Last Heard

List of users, heard in the last 15 minutes. Ongoing QSO's are highlighted.


List of repeaters and their status (connected/not connected) since the last 7 days.


List of connected hotspots with type and version

RoIP verbindingen

List of current RoIP connections.

Talkgroup use

Talkgroup use for the last 7 days. Also as graph available.

Users with Errors

Users with incorrect settings in their codeplug.
Make sure you're not in the list !

BM Dashboard

The international BrandMeister dashboard


Listen online (international)
or. Belgium North / Belgium South
on Demand. 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

Unique Last 24h

All users, heard in the last 24h.

All Data 6h

All data from the last 6h (long list !)


The Belgian DMR pages


Userlists (Belgian, international) to load in your tranceiver

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BM Selfcare

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BM News

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BM Support

The new BrandMeister Help Center

Telegram BM Support English

Telegram group 'BrandMeister General Support (English)'

Telegram BM Support Français

Telegram group 'BrandMeister General Support (Français)'

with by ON7LDS.

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